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Become One with All the wonderful parts of yourself!

Home: Welcome

Services I Offer

We are all wonderfully unique.  Therefore "one size fits all" does not hold true for therapy.   We all need different things- from different people- at different points in our journey.  I offer an individualized approach to therapy.  We start with where you are and grow from there.  On my own journey, I was often being guided with no idea what the destination would be--often just "trusting the process" as it unfolded.  My role is to help guide you through what feels right for you.

Psychology Patient
Neat Computer Desk
Child's Pose

Individual Therapy

Promotes a strength based approach to meeting your individualized goals.


Promotes comfort, safety, and convenience.

Yoga Therapy

Promotes healing for physical and emotional trauma

Home: Services
Peaceful Lake View

"You know my name, not my story.

You've heard what I have done, but

 not what I have been through"

~Johnathan Anthony Burkett~

Home: Famous Quote
Home: Contact
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