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Online Therapy in Tennessee and Florida

Become One with All the wonderful parts of yourself!
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Services I Offer
We are all wonderfully unique. Therefore "one size fits all" does not hold true for therapy.  We all need different things- from different people- at different points in our journey. I offer an individualized approach to therapy. We start with where you are and grow from there. On my own journey, I was often being guided with no idea what the destination would be--often just "trusting the process" as it unfolded. My role is to help guide you through what feels right for you.

Individual Therapy
Promotes a strength based approach to meeting your individualized goals.
Promotes comfort, safety, and convenience.
Yoga Therapy
Promotes healing for physical and emotional trauma
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"You know my name, not my story.
You've heard what I have done, but
not what I have been through"
~Johnathan Anthony Burkett~
Home: Famous Quote
Telehealth Services
Home: Contact
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